Here We Go!

Home » Welcome to Bungalow 204 » Here We Go!

Wow, so here we go! The first post on this site. This ideas for this site has have been rolling around in my mind for years. Our intention for this site is to create a forum for people to share their stories as we share ours. My wife and I are introverts in a world that praises, follows, and even rewards the loud, the boisterous, the showmen. We will share our successes and our failures and our sincere hope is you learn something from our failures.

A wonderful quote from Bruce Lee tells us to “Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.” We ask that you do the same. We realize you don’t know us at all and we are honored you are reading this far into our site. But, please, please “adapt” what you read in the coming posts to fit your life and your lifestyle. We have made many mistakes and feel we have lost some very precious time along the way. Our greatest lessons have come from all the silly things we tried; things that did not work so well. Our hope is that we provide tools to help you make more informed decisions. We want to share what we know; sometimes at the risk of exposing what we don’t know!

This website/blog allows us to touch on all of our interests. In the coming posts we will share some simply random junk that comes from everyday life. This is where we will jam all the fuzzy, doesn’t fit into the other categories stuff. The focused categories, the ones where we will attempt to stay on a particular topic, will be Education, Running and Fitness, Music, and On the Bookshelf. The home run for us would be to create an open exchange of ideas; a safe forum to express thoughts, ideas, and options.

We look forward to taking this journey with you!

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