Now We’re Going Places!

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Giving Due Credit

Initially, let me thank the Toyota Motor Corporation for moving off their tagline, “Let’s Go Places”. I feel some relief using a twisted version for this post heading. I certainly don’t need any blowback from Toyota!!!

Why This Section?

Where the other links on this site tell stories in words with images used to embellish that story; I really felt I needed a stand-alone link that allows the images to tell the story with very little of my writing.

The other links on this site are created from my melon triggered by all types of sources found internally and are subjective. Those posts are my verbal expressions of my thoughts and imagination. The images created are mental.

This section will be all about external, physical, observable images. The photos will be of places I have been and what I saw. The text will serve merely to provide context. You are free to perceive the image with all your senses and your personal experiences. And maybe if I am lucky, you will share your thoughts with me!

surfer, waves, sea
(Oh hell no, that’s not me!)
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William Adamaitis
William Adamaitis

I am a sixty-year-old wild eyed wanderer who has spent his entire life searching for that “one thing” as his life’s work only to realize that maybe there is no “one thing”. I have been a beer salesman, a high school math teacher, an insurance adjuster, a government service worker, and a grocery store clerk.

I have lived on both coasts and traveled frequently between the two and I am anxious to not only share my experiences with you, but to hear all about your experiences. Together we will make each other better!

Articles: 4